Tuesday, October 22, 2013

eBay and Readiness

My house is full of useless crap. I'm not saying I'm on next weeks Hoarders, I'm just saying that if I WAS that I'm not the crazy cat lady.

My BOB is in here somewhere.... Credit to Wikipedia and whoever originally took the time to photo-document their mental issues.

My book shelves are full or RPGs (role playing games like D&D not self propelled explosives) many of which I will never play. Some of them have surprising value. This is where eBay comes in. Which is more valuable; collectible books or a better holster, an upgraded ruck sack or whatever you like? The answer depends on you and whatever you like,of course.

At the core of the issue is this: I'm having fun with prepping. It's a hoot. I like guns, I like tools and I like becoming more self reliant. My wife digs these things as well so this is pretty much a no-brainer for me. Even if I never NEED this food and gear I am hardly the first person to blow money on a good time, am I? Getting ready to go hiking and camping will be a snap at the least.

To me it is well worth it to clear some room off my book shelves and get some more gear and medicine.

Now I'm not clearing ALL of my bookshelves off. If power is intermittent in the future those board games and RPGs are a very useful tool for keeping moral up and staying entertained, but that is another post for another time. I'm just ditching the crap that I know in my heart of hearts exists only to make my bookshelves look fuller and me more sophisticated than I will ever be.

The point of all this? I'm betting you have some stuff that you don't use for anything, that you are never going to use for anything and that could be sold for a fast buck on eBay. What you use that buck on is up to you. Paying down your debts is likely to be as useful as buying ammo. Self reliance is more than having a ton of food, guns and useful skills. It's also being free and clear. Even if the economy melts down you are going to have to pay your debt. The odds of a breakdown so total that the bank a) won't exist or b) stops giving a shit about the money you owe them for the $10,000 worth of AR15 clones that financed through credit cards.... the odds of that are not in your favor.

Of course more guns and beans would be super sweet, too.

If keeping those boxes in your attic or those books on your shelves is truly important to you then you should keep them. But if you have stuff you aren't using and you could liquidate it you may want to give it a thought. If you DO have to bug out you ain't taking those books with you. If you don't then you got some nice gear or lowered your debt some, both of which are at least as valuable as whatever is in that junk box.

I'm out.
Willy FTE

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