Saturday, October 26, 2013

Female needs in a crisis

Odds are that you're a dude. Odds are also good if you're reading this that you have plenty of food and water ready to sustain your family during one of lifes' vicissitudes. That's awesome. Food and water is probably one of the easiest and cheapest things to do but also the most important.

You should have medicine ready to go, to. Pain killers and disinfectants for your family; antibiotics for your fish. You know the score. You're taking care of your family and your fish.

My wife is fully on board. I'm a really lucky guy. She shoots, she lifts, she preps and she plays video games so I'm pretty much the happiest man in the world. Since she can read the writing on the wall she has no issue telling me what she, as a female, needs that I as a male do not. Here's her current top 3 items that I wasn't stocking:

1)Pads and/or tampons. And not just whatever you grab but HER SPECIFIC PREFERENCE. The terminology can be downright arcane but find out what she's using and get a nice stockpile of those.  When needs must the devil drives, but if you had to stick something up or around your ass for a few days a month and you thought one type and brand was more comfortable you'd damned well want that.

2) Baby wipes. It was already on the list but I probably didn't plan for enough. She specifically requested more. Bay wipes can help keep you clean. We used them in the Corps to wipe down our nasty asses all the time. You'll still smell like a bucket of dead guts if you're not bathing but you'll feel a good bit cleaner in the places it matters. This one is kinda cheating since I need them, too...but she needs them more. Their going to be popular in SHTF, so have enough.

3) Medicine for a yeast infection. Things that can lead to an infection include (among others): Stress, lack of sleep, illness and poor eating habits. Sound like any scenario you're worried about?

You have to make allowances for biological realities. I don't rate men and women as that different in their capabilities but there are some things you plain have to plan for. If your wife is a full partner in all of this it's really for the best. If not then make sure you have the above supplies ready for her.

I'm out.
Willy FTE

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